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Recent Updates as of 9/11/2024

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Please provide the following information to start a Live Streaming trial:

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Your live stream site will be accessable at, so be sure to pick something that you like.



Finalweb 2.0 "groups" were updated with an option to "lock aspect ratio" for background images.  Depending on your preference, this can keep background images a consistent shape across all devices.  For most applications, we still recommend "parallax," but this is a nice option as well.


A new feature has been added to shopping carts for 1.0 sites.  You can now create discount codes to provide special promotions for your customers.  Click here for more info.


We have updated our Pixabay integration to include stock video backgrounds from their massive royalty-free library.  To use this, in your 2.0 website, choose the stock library option when adding an image or video, and after specifying "Video" in the type field.


We have redesigned the structure for sub-sites and URL's, providing for a more smooth administration experience.


Finalweb has integrated Pixabay's 1.5 million image royalty-free library into our 2.0 system!  From any image field, click "Choose Stock Image" to browse and populate your site with fantastic images quickly.


Finalweb 2.0 has been officially released.  Current customers can upgrade at no cost by going to Site Manager and clicking "Learn More" at the top.  For new customers, test drive the system at our home page at!


Important Announcement: Check out the beta version of Finalweb 2.0!  Current customers, feel free to test drive here:


Finalweb now supports using Wowza's GoCoder app to stream through our Live Streaming Service from any iOS or Android device.


Finalweb's Mobile App, designed primarily for churches, is now compatible with other sermon media sources.  Valid RSS sources should work fine, such as SermonAudio, FeedBurner, iTunes, and others.  If you host your sermon media outside of Finalweb, this will help integrate the app with your services.


Finalweb Mobile is a new solution that allows your church or ministry to have its own app in the Apple and Android app stores. Features include user notifications, contact directories, blogging, sermon audio and video, and much more. Log in to your site or go to for more information.


Added the ability to choose a new "Main Site" automatically.  Very useful if you want to renovate your site by creating a new Sub-Site and then making it your Main Site.  To use, go to Site Manager > Tools > Sub-Site Migration.


Added the ability to create groups and assign permissions to them, then add users to those groups.  This should make assigning permissions for multiple administrators much more friendly.  This is done under Site Manager > User Accounts > Edit Login Accounts.


Added the ability to specify that forms can accept file submissions when users fill them out.  Users can then fill out an online form, and on the following page, upload a file to accompany their submission.  This is activated under Site Manager > Pages and Content > Form & Questionnaire Builder (then edit the settings for the desired form and allow file submissions).


Added new search field to Site Manager > User Accounts > Edit Login Accounts for quicker locating of user accounts.


New template number 6500 has been released, and includes fully responsive technology so your mobile devices get very close to the same experience as desktop users while still keeping things mobile friendly.


Text editor compatibility issues with IE 11 have been addressed in the latest system update.


Added atom compatibility to newsfeed component in dynamic pages for feeds not supporting RSS.


Within the next couple of days we will be updating the functionality and look of dynamic page editing tools. Everything will work the same as it does currently, but users will notice some minor layout changes. This is the current format:

And the tools will now be arranged as the following image depicts:

The new toolbar area will increase the options' visibility and keep the editing area free from potential interference. The section tools menu and other options will continue to work as they have since the last update.


We are launching a small update this afternoon to help with building pages.  The "settings" and "move" icons will now hover at the top of long dynamic page sections so they are more easily accessible without having to scroll back to the top.  We also added a "plus" icon to that section where users can go to add records to dynamic page components where possible.  Also some minor editor fixes have been released.



Added the ability to secure all pages within an entire sub-site (from Site Manager > Configure Site).


Added an easy method for implenting RefTagger on websites. Go to Site Manager > Configure Site, scroll to the bottom. (RefTagger is a Bible Verse lookup tool that automatically hyperlinks any verse reference on all of your pages).


Added a field for providing introductory instructions at the top of any event registration form.


We have added the ability to enable or disable the "primary admin" feature of a user.  Previously, this could only be done by Finalweb personnel.  Now, it can be done under Site Manager > User Accounts > Edit Login Accounts.  Click "Permissions" next to the user you want to change, and scroll to the bottom to enable/disable this permission.


We have upgraded to the latest version of IceWarp email software, providing compatibility with Internet Explorer 10 and other modern browser enhancements. A new tablet mode is included for iPads and other tablets. It is important to remember that, first, your initial login to the webmail system might be slow as your folders are being synchronized for the first time since the upgrade. Accessing large folders with many files for the first time may take a few seconds, or even a minute or two if they contain thousands of messages. Secondly, Internet Explorer 7 is no longer supported. Users should upgrade to Internet Explorer 8 or above, or use Firefox or Chrome as their browser. Internet Explorer 7 will still work, but only in tablet mode which is less functional.


A new color palette management tool is now live for most templates. Makes changes to template colors live and then save when done.


Added easier method for sorting topbar images in all non-flash (newer) templates.


Added a new file manager for secured files. Simply go to the regular file manager (Site Manager > Tools > File Manager) and click to view SECURED files at the top.


Under Site Manager > Edit Login Accounts, after clicking "Permissions" for a user, you can now add Live Streaming channel permissions at the bottom of the page.  This can be used to give users stream publishing permissions without granting them website admin permissions.


The Friendly URL was having issues with creating links to https:// sites. This is now repaired.


The Finalweb Live Streaming mobile apps have now been updated to allow you to save all settings (quality, resolution, username, auto-recording) so they don't have to be entered each time the app is launched. Updates are now available for iPhone, iPad, and Android (just search "Finalweb Live" from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store).


We have added a new feature to allow you to duplicate forms/questionnaires. This can be done within the same sub-site or across different sub-sites. All questions and settings are also duplicated. Simply choose "Make Copy" from the list of forms in the Site Manager.


We have added a new feature to allow you to duplicate events for registration. This can be done within the same sub-site or across different sub-sites. All custom fields and settings are also duplicated. Simply choose the event from the event registration page and then click "Copy Event" at the bottom.


In the Photo Gallery Manager, you can now quickly sort events by numbering them and choosing "Save Sort Order."


Within the Quetionnaire/Form Builder, you can now sort questions quickly by numbering them and choosing "Save Sort Order."  This also works for custom fields in the Event Registration system.


Admins no longer need to be assigned permissions for secured document downloads. They are able to download them as long as they are logged in administratively.


Added the ability for users filling out questionnaires/forms to receive email receipts. Simply add a new question to your form and choose "Email Receipt Address" as the question type. Add multiples if desired.


New dialog boxes have been added throughout the site to allow for easier selection of internal pages when creating hyperlinks.


Fixed bug when adding dynamic page permissions to a sub-site user.


Finalweb has just released a new product, Finalweb Live, to allow churches, schools, and other organizations to broadcast their services and events live.  Learn more at or click Site Manager > Live Streaming to get started.  A free trial is available!


Added the ability to export event registrations via CSV file rather than the old copy/paste method (which is still also in place if needed).


We have added a feature to track dates of any submissions for forms created using the Form & Questionnaire Builder. To use this feature, add a new form (or edit an existing one). Add a question to the form and choose "Current Date (automatic)" as the question type. Then save your changes. This won't display anything to the user, but will automatically log the date and time of their submission to a new field in your form table. You will be able to see it when you click "View Responses" for that form.


Added the ability to schedule an event on last day (example: last Sunday) of a month.


At long last, admins now have the ability to assign permissions to specific dynamic pages. Now security can be more granular and specific then ever.


Two new templates have been added to the system, be sure to take a look.  They are gorgeous!  Templates #6150 and #6151.


Launched template 9110 - Derived from 9100 but with smaller header image and rounded corners using CSS 3.


Sitemaps have been adjusted to request that search engines crawl blogs and forums on a daily basis since they are updated more frequently.


For templates with navigation buttons near/on their banner images, buttons now disappear if only one image is present so as not to confuse the user.  Also, required fields in forms created with the form builder are now marked with a red asterisk for clarity.


Discussion Forums have been completely revamped.  Now choose between a standard, flat format or a threaded format, reply with quotes, and more!


Podcast links have now been updated to allow for feed subscription using standard browser links.  Feeds are available for any file category.


For users entering long blog posts, on occasion the web session would timeout and fail to save the post once it was sent into the server.  Now, if the blog author's session expires, the user is prompted to login after submitting their message, and their message is posted after they authenticate.  This prevents the loss of a potentially lengthy blog article.


Finalweb's Menu Builder has now been significantly enhanced.  Building a menu is now very simple--just drag and drop the content you desire into your menu.  Additionally, you can now create new content from the Menu Builder just by dragging any built-in feature right to your menu!


Over the last 3 months, blogs have been significantly upgraded to support categories, email subscriptions, archiving, link libraries, and more!


Support for recurring donations has been added! Now churches, schools, and other organizations can easily offer this valuable service for their members.  Simply navigate to your donations page (or add it to your menu if you don't currently use it), add a fund, and specify that the fund should allow for recurring donations.

While single, one-time donations do not require your donors to have a PayPal account, recurring donations do.  This way they can login and manage their recurrence if needs be.


Ability to update all recurring events in a series has been added to the calendar.  This should make calendar maintenance much easier!


Several aesthetic modifications have been made to update the look of blogs, lists, and forms throughout the system.  More to come soon!


Released new template 6120 - simple, customizable, and clean.


Added the ability to change the "RSS Box" that appears on the default front page for templates 3180, 3185, 3186, 3190 so that it provides only a simple link rather than requiring an RSS feed.  This should allow for greater versatility with these templates for customers who don't use RSS feeds.


Added ability to use international addresses in event registration system.


A new text section type has been added for use in Dynamic Pages.  This section allows for creating "Collapsible" text areas for use in question-answer style pages such as FAQ lists.  To try it, add a section to a dynamic page, choose "Text/Image Blocks," and then "Q&A Collapsible Text."


Altered new text editor to use BR tags instead of P tags for line breaks.  This should eliminate unwanted extra spacing between text sections.


We have added a three new templates which feature large home page images and image-based menu options.  Templates are 9100, 9101, and 6201.


We think users are going to love this feature.  For image fields with a recommended size, the new image resize and crop tool will automatically dimension itself to crop the correct size out of your image.  Size the image down so that it is roughly as big as you want it, then select "crop" to get it exactly right!  Note that some older template fields are still being updated to use this tool.


This upgraded added support for Internet Explorer 9 in webmail along with a few modifications to make IE faster in general.  It also added some architectural enhancements to email as a whole.


Many users like to use Google Webmaster Tools with their site.  This requires authentication which, in the past, needed to be done with help from Finalweb tech support.  Now users can set this up themselves by going to Site Manager > Tools > Advanced DNS Tools.

Also included is a DNS editor to create DNS records for your domain if needed as well as a Google Apps configuration tool.  Google Apps allows you to use Gmail as your email provider.  If you choose to use Gmail, you can set your accounts up with them, set up your Google Apps account with Google, and then use this tool to redirect the email for your domain to Gmail.

NOTE:  Don't use these features if you don't understand them!  They will redirect domain traffic for your domain.  Handy if you know what you're doing, but destructive if not!  Always feel free to contact Finalweb Support if you have questions.


A new tool has been added to all sites.  When an administrative user logs in, a floating admin navigational menu now appears by default to the lower-right of the screen.  This should make for much quicker access to common administrative functions.


With our upgrade to a newer text editor for content management, we have added a more robust spell check feature that works across all major browsers.  Additionally, within the editor is now a "maximize" button to allow the text editor to occupy the whole window.  This icon is on the second row of editor icons, third from the right.  Along the same lines, a new "Maximize Window" button now appears at the top of the content management area so that the whole CMS can be maximized if desired.  This is particularly useful for lower resolution users with smaller screens.


Added the ability to copy a dynamic page to any sub-site! Navigate to the page you wish to copy and click "Duplicate Page," then select a sub-site.


Adjusted new content editor to occupy more vertical space for higher res monitors. Also added a better progress bar for image/file uploads.


Our new Content and Image Editor will launch tomorrow (12/30/10).  New features include a more streamlined, single-page view along with the ability to resize and crop images online.

View the introductory video below:


Added the ability to duplicate a Dynamic Page (select "Duplicate Page" from the top of any page after logging in).


Template 9000 has a wide design, front page callout boxes, sliding photo effect in the topbar area.  Modern feel with no side menu.  Check it out!


Added ability to sell files (audio/video, curriculum, notes, etc.) online from any Dynamic Page.  Check here for info on how to set up this feature.


Added ability to easily include YouTube and Vimeo hosted videos within a Dynamic Page.  Just add a section, choose "Video File," and then either Vimeo or YouTube.


Added ability to batch delete several types of content including calendar events, files from File Manager, and files from File Download libraries.


Added a much improved multi-file uploader to the image galleries.  The Java plug-in is no longer required.


Added ability to duplicate a question (and all associated response options) in the Form Builder.


Released template 6100: Wide-style, fully color customizeable, linkable banners.


Added "checkbox list" feature to Form & Questionnaire Builder, giving the ability to quickly add and sort multiple checkboxes under one question.


Added ability to sort answer choices for drop-down lists and radio buttons, along with new checkbox lists.


Added the ability to mass delete form submissions.


Released template 6101 - a variant of the new 6100 but with no side menu.


Finalweb just increased the allotted storage space for all template-based customers by 10GB at no additional cost!


On August 20th, Finalweb will be  launching a new Site Manager.  It is primarily an aesthetic upgrade designed to make site administration more simple.  Watch the video below for an introduction:


Added a new template; 3190.


Our email server application is now upgraded to the most recent product release. All customers should notice a new layout in the administrative portal, and some new features within the webmail client. One noteworthy benefit is improved anti-spam protection for all users.


Added template 3050.  Simple, wide design that incorporates linkable topbar banners with navigation buttons.


Two new templates, 3180 and 3185 have been released.  Both feature linkable topbar banners for highlighting important areas of your website. More templates to come this week!


Mobile detection has been turned on, and Finalweb's new mobile website versions are in full use.  To view your mobile website, either open your site on a mobile device, or go to  To configure your mobile settings, go to Site Manager > Mobile Website Setup.


Finalweb has just released a new "mobile-friendly" version of all of our hosted websites (excluding "Standard Hosting" packages).  The system is in beta testing now, click here for information on viewing your mobile site:


The download option for the Audio/Video Download library and other libraries now correctly generates a file download dialog window for all users.


A number of minor font color adjustments have been made across all templates to ensure consistency within each template design.


Launched IceWarp's Webmail Pro to provide faster and widely improved Webmail features.


We implemented an update to the Podcast feature on the Audio/Video Downloads page. Users who click on the Subscribe to Podcast button will now be brought to a new page that allows them to select the category they wish to subscribe to before subscribing.


Upgraded management of Finalweb Customer and Site Admin accounts (under My Account on  Also incorporated account authentication into sales and support tickets to expedite the process of handling customer requests for help.


Added a feature that will allow you to easily share content on your favorite social networking platforms. Select this item as a new component on any dynamic page.


A new "File Download Preview" Dynamic Page Component has been added which displays a preview list of recent entries from your Audio/Video Downloads or Document Downloads pages. This component can be added to any Dynamic Page, and can be accessed by choosing "Add Section" from your Dynamic Page, selecting "File Download Library", and then "File Download Preview".


Added a more generic option for displaying news articles from Dynamic Pages.  Added news date on News Headlines components.  Added support for RSS subscription to news under the News Headlines component.


Improved ease of deleting files associated with records (such as in file download libraries).  Administrators are now prompted when deleting a record as to whether they would like to remove the associated media files as well.  This negates the need to go to File Manager and remove files seperately.


The user login page and the administrator control section on the side menu have both been rewritten to add several new features and to better ensure proper compatibility across all browser / template combinations.


Based on customer feedback, the A2100 template series has received a major overhaul to increase the useable width of the template, improve page load times, and to correct several browser compatibility issues.


We've added a new development newsfeed in the Site Manager to help increase the visibility of the many new features and upgrades our team is making to Finalweb on a regular basis.

Keep an eye on this section to learn about newly added features and templates, as well as upgrades, bug fixes, and other relevant information from the Finalweb development team.


The File Download Library (Dynamic Page Component) has has received a complete visual and functional re-design to match the changes made to the built in Audio / Video Download resource.


Additional color schemes for the A6000 template series have been added, as well as a few minor visual modifications to improve layout and formatting.


A new Online Poll feature has been added which allows users to create customized polls and then place them on any dynamic page as a dynamic page component.

To create new polls, look for the new Poll Manager option in your Site Manager to create a poll. Then, simply create an Online Poll section on any dynamic page, and select from your list of existing polls to make that poll appear on the page.


A number of back-end improvements have been made to reduce page load times and increase performance.


Several new color schemes have been added for template series A6000.


Added new template series A6000.


Added new template series A3150, as well as several minor updates to existing templates.


The Finalweb Audio / Video Download Library tool has received a complete visual and functional re-design. Clicking on any file now expands the section, showing additional information as well as available download and streaming options. Support for mp3 streaming using the Flash player has also been added. To switch between visual themes, simply click on the "Change Layout" button at the top of the page.


Added new template series A3100, as well as numerous minor updates to existing templates.


Added a Template Generator tool. This will allow programmers to create their own templates for use with Finalweb. Look under Site Manager > Template Generator to get started.


Launched our Finalweb Reseller program. Now you can earn money by selling Finalweb sites. If you are a current Finalweb user, you can do this from your existing Rapid-1, Church/Ministry, School, or Family Package. Simply click "Customer Login" at the top, login with your primary administrative username and password, and then choose "Reseller Options" to get started. If you are not a customer but would like to participate, click here for information on purchasing a special low-priced Reseller Package to allow you to re-sell Finalweb's services.


Added ability to maintain a common top menu across many (or all) sub-sites.